Zimbabwe, Africa 2006
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- Zimbabwe, Africa 2006
The Taiwos' ministry in Zimbabwe
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Kay and Olu Taiwo arrived in Zimbabwe on August 18th 2007 after 32 hours in transit. They were greeted by Dr. Ephiel Mukamuri, and his team. Dr. Mukamuri is the founder and overseer of Logos-Rhema ministries, in Harare, Zimbabwe. The meetings were held at the church’s headquarters at Warren Park, in Harare, bringing together its network of churches.
Once a year, Logos-Rhema ministries organizes a national conference, Shekinah Glory. This year’s conference had the theme: Year of Open Doors with Speed! The meetings were open to the general public. On Monday, August the 20th, Kay and Olu opened their sessions with a gripping message titled, The Principles and Power of Vision. The very attentive audience absorbed the clear insights as they learned ‘What Vision is, and what it is not, How to obtain Vision, and How Vision leads to impact.’
Kay and Olu emphasized the fact that, everybody is making impact: positive or negative. And positive impact is determined by vision. They further emphasized that vision sees the outcome. The visionary sees him or herself as a factor in the fulfillment of the vision. Vision is not reactive. It is proactive.
On Tuesday night, Olu shared a very powerful message, titled, You were Born to Make Impact! Olu went on to define the word, ’impact,’ in his own words. According to Olu,
“impact is made when you leave a place or people, and there is sufficient evidence present, to show that you were there!”
Olu emphasized that, each individual was designed by God to make a difference, in his or her world. Later on, a participant exclaimed, “That was a refreshing word.”
As a testimony to Olu’s definition of impact was a pastor who approached the Taiwos. He said he missed their visit in 2006, but had heard how powerful and impacting it was.
On Wednesday morning, Kay and Olu shared a tag team message, titled,‘Excellence is a Choice!’ The Taiwos stressed that excellence is excellence, whether it is in the USA or Africa. In other words, excellence is not defined by where you are, but by who you choose to become.
On Thursday evening, Olu exhorted the believers with a timely message, ‘Faith: the Covenant Connector.’ It demonstrated the principles of faith, as seen in the lives of David and Caleb. Believers are not to make conclusions based on circumstances, but based on their covenant rights in Christ.
On Saturday morning, the Kay and Olu Taiwo spoke to Christian business men and women during a business breakfast. Here they expounded on the 7 Laws of Excellence. The message also emphasized 3 components that determine business success:
- Discover your skill set (what do you do with relative ease?). What are you best at doing?
- What drives your Economic engine (what can you process and package and exchange for income?)
- What are you most Passionate about?
The Taiwos made it clear that every business must possess these three (3) components working together to determine and sustain success.
Kay and Olu left Zimbabwe on Sunday August 26th.
Thank you for your interest, love and support of Vision For Life Ministries and the Taiwos.
Some Stats about Zimbabwe
- HIV infection rate: In 2001, it was measured at its highest level ever of 33.7% for people aged 15–49.
- Shona 80–84%.
- Ndebele 8–10%.
- Bantus of other ethnicity 8–10%.
Source for stats sited: Click here