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Word For The Week (on-line articles written by Kay & Olu Taiwo)
The apostle Paul was a man that gave his whole life to the cause of Christ. Despite beatings, being misunderstood, being falsely accused, and imprisoned, he made up his mind that no matter what the cost he would champion the cause of Christ.In Romans chapter 1 verse 16 the apostle Paul makes a personal declaration:“I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentiles.” Read the whole write-up by checking out the link in the Bio. #PaidInFull #JesusDiedForYou

Time is Running Out!
— Kay Taiwo
A man had a checkup and then went in to see his doctor to get the results. The doctor said he had bad news and worse news for him, which did he want to hear first?
The man was a bit nonplussed and said he’d rather hear the bad news first. The doctor said, “The bad news is that you only have twenty-four hours to live.”
At this the man jumped up, totally flabbergasted and distraught. He paced the doctor’s office and complained, “Twenty-four hours to live? I can’t possibly get my affairs in order that quickly.
I can’t believe this, it is incredible! What could be worse news than this?”
The doctor said, “The worse news is that I was supposed to tell you this yesterday but I forgot.” *
Read the complete message: click here.

The Voice of Man

The Importance of Keeping Focus

God’s Timing